About Us

Interdisciplinary expertise

We are a startup that engages with the diverse challenges of contemporary pathology, examining them from various perspectives. Our interdisciplinary team is characterized by its extensive knowledge and proficiency in the fields of pathology and computer science, forming a close integration between these two domains. What sets us apart is the dual expertise of our team members, bridging interdisciplinary knowledge. This fusion cultivates a distinctive perspective, fostering innovative dynamics and synergies, and facilitating a creative and unique exchange of ideas.

Research & Practice

Our clinical orientation grants us flexibility and dynamism in our work, while our academic foundation and research-oriented nature drive visionary, cutting-edge approaches and methodologies. These diverse combinations set our startup apart in its structure, enabling innovative, powerful, and visionary solutions for the fields of medicine and pharmaceuticals.

Clinically relevant

With our founder, Prof. Dr. med. Ludwig Wilkens, who brings years of practical experience to our team, we prioritize addressing clinically relevant questions and developing solutions from the perspective of pathologists, for pathologists. We explore how AI can support various inquiries and provide genuine assistance in everyday clinical practice.